Telegram rlottie 7.0.1_2065 is affected by a Stack Based Overflow in the blit function: a remote attacker might be able to access Telegram’s stack memory out-of-bounds on a victim device. Note: we’ll walk through the android app sources, but the issue applies to iOS and macOS Telegram apps too.
“Telegram is a cloud-based mobile and desktop messaging app with a focus on security and speed.”. For more information visit
Telegram uses a custom fork of rlottie to render animated stickers. A malicious animated sticker with multiple “maskProperties” might bypass the protection in place against out-of-bounds access during the rendering process. The bound checks in place are not sufficient against a negative index: the resulting offset might point to memory before the target region buffer
In case spans->x
is negative, an out-of-bounds read access is triggered. The read access violation happens shortly later inside the std::max
call at
where the address of ptr
is calculated using the negative span->x
A blogpost will be published soon on our blog with a PoC walkthrough and further details.
A remote attacker might be able to access Telegram’s stack memory out-of-bounds on a victim device.
Upgrade to Telegram 7.1.0 (2090) or later.
`polict` of Shielder
This advisory was first published on
16 febbraio 2021