Telegram rlottie 7.0.1_2065 is affected by a Stack Based Overflow in the gray_split_cubic function: a remote attacker might be able to overwrite Telegram’s stack memory out-of-bounds on a victim device. Note: we’ll walk through the android app sources, but the issue applies to iOS and macOS Telegram apps too.
“Telegram is a cloud-based mobile and desktop messaging app with a focus on security and speed.”. For more information visit
Telegram uses a custom fork of rlottie to render animated stickers. Through a Transform property it’s possible to overwrite adjacent stack memory. bez_stack
has an hardcoded size ( ):
Even thought bez_stack
has a static size, the index is not verified before accessing it in the loop starting at
The first actual out-of-bounds write access happens in
where base
is arc
from the previous code snippets.
By using specific values in the Transform property, it is possible to write stack memory outside of bez_stack
’s boundaries.
A blogpost will be published soon on our blog with a PoC walkthrough and further details.
A remote attacker might be able to overwrite Telegram’s stack memory out-of-bounds on a victim device.
Upgrade to Telegram 7.1.0 (2090) or later.
`polict` of Shielder
This advisory was first published on
16 February 2021